マナちゃん here.
Our first newsletter was outboxed yesterday!! I hope you all got it?
And help us promoting the project?
Anyways, for those who haven't subscribed or heard about the project yet I'm going to explain it now:
Akira and Nao-kun are Japanese and got the idea for a worldwide fan project
for Lc5. Since they are living in Japan, they want to deliver it on a concert. It will be for CHRISTMAS, so time's running out.
It's not sure if they'll be doing it since it doesn't make any sense if just a couple of
people are taking part. Therefore, we want to ask you to help us promoting.
You can do it wherever you want: facebook, google+, email, blog or other things.
More information for the ones taking part only, so please email us: lc5subs@gmail.com
I've got a Kanji test at university soon, so I have to keep studying...
See ya.. m(__.__)m